
Code for Environmental Management
The Code consists of a statement of Environmental Principles for marine mining, followed by a set of Operating Guidelines for application as appropriate at specific mining sites. These Guidelines are designed to serve industry, regulatory agencies, scientists and other stakeholders, as benchmarks for development, implementation and assessment of environmental management plans and as advice on best fit-for-purpose practices at sites targeted for marine minerals research, exploration and extraction. The Principles and Guidelines set broad directions in a context of shared values rather than prescribing specific practices. It is important to note that this is a VOLUNTARY code which industry, regulatory agencies, scientists and other stakeholders are encouraged to strive towards and use.
Download the PDF (rev. 10-27-11)
The draft revised version (of April 2010) of the IMMS Code for Environmental Management of Marine Mining is now available in the six United Nations languages (language names link to PDFs):
courtesy of the International Seabed Authority. It follows an analytical summary of the Code, which is also available in these six languages. The IMMS acknowledges with great appreciation the assistance of the International Seabed Authority in preparing these translations and permitting their placement at the IMMS website.
The analytical summary and the draft revised Code in their entirety (in the six languages) can also be found on the International Seabed Authority website.
Dr. P. Verlaan, the Coordinator of the IMMS Code review, presented the draft revised Code to the 16th Session of the Legal and Technical Commission and of the Members of the International Seabed Authority in Kingston, Jamaica on 26 and 28 April 2010. She also prepared the analytical summary of the draft revised Code, which was circulated to the Members of the Commission and of the Authority and posted on the Authority’s website as ISBA/16/LTC/2. Dr. Verlaan’s participation at the 16th session was generously supported by the International Seabed Authority, which the IMMS acknowledges with appreciation. The summary (PDF) of Dr. Verlaan’s two presentations and of comments received from the Members of the Commission and the Authority was provided to the Authority and is now posted on the Code section of the IMMS website.